Window Maker is an X11 window manager originally designed to provide integration support for the GNUstep Desktop Environment, although it can run stand alone. In every way possible, it reproduces the elegant look and feel of the NeXTSTEP user interface.
Window Maker on first run
The key features of Window Maker are:
- Stacking window manager with ability for semi-automatic tiling management
- Lightweight and blazing fast
- Easy to use
- Highly configurable
- Ability to bind keyboard shortcut to wide set of actions
- Dynamic menu entries
- Small, dockable apps (dockapps)
- Human readable config files and GUI prefs application
- Free and open source
- Active community from all of the world
See features section for more. In screenshots section you can see examples of how users set up their desktops.
Many distributions already have Window Maker included in their software repositories, so it could be installed directly from there. Other sources are listed below:
- Latest source of stable version is 0.96.0, released on 2023-08-05. See the NEWS section for more information.
- Source code is also available through the git repository
- Older versions of Window Maker may be obtained from the GitHub releases page or directly from our website.
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